Looking for A Quality Agency With Experience, In Providing Insurance Programs For Our Complex And Litigious Culture?*
As a pastor's son of over 52 years and with over 30 years of experience working with clients and having completed pivitial continual education concerning the many changing aspects of insurance, risk management, and disaster recovery plans for our many cleint types, individuals, churches, church schools, colleges, and other types or church related risks, we believe we offer understanding and care about your concerns, needs, and constraints which you individually have or a ministry you may be involved with faces today in a way that is quite unique and different then what most other agencies can and do offer. We believe our assistance will enable you to miss most of the mindfields of litigation and the possible financial abysses of today's culture without having to compermise your personal convictions and beliefs nor your goals or convictions you feel are God's direction. We therefore, believe as you allow us to work with you we can offer value that is unique and necessary for today's culture.