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National Governmental Links

The National Park Service
National Park Services Info.  Enjoy the beauty of nature and relax in the abundance of wildlife and timely activities with family and friends or a quiet time alone. 
visit The National Park Service (2420)
Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services

If you need assistance with questions on Medicare or Medicaid Services, this is your best link for governmental assistance info. http://www.cms.hhs.gov/default.asp?

National Site for Child Abuse & State Specific Reporting
   For state specific info on child sexual abuse reporting and other child abuse related info that is state specific, please click here This site is updated regularly.
U.S. Department of Labor
   This site can assist you with information and Q & A concerning the following issues and more:  Family Medical Leave Act compliance, Minimum wage compliance, Overtime compliance, Youth rules for working, Forms and other reguirements.  www.dol.gov/esa/
National Highway Travel Safety Administration

This site may aid you in your review of the many aspects of auto safety before you purchase a car.  It also covers child seats and constraints.  National Highway Travel Safety Administration  http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/ 

United States Department of Labor

United States Department of Labor   http://www.bls.gov/

U.S. Foreign Travel Information & Warnings

Before you travel, you may want to visit this site for updated info on U.S. travel. http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/warnings_current.html

U.S. Department of State
   US State Department info    http://www.state.gov/
Federal Trade Commission
   To get free credit reports annually to correct errors, and to see where you are with your credit, click on the attached link below.  It is also useful to review these to look for identity theft issues.  You will also find other items of interest concerning business and commerce.  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2004/11/041130freecreditrpts.htm
US Library of Congress Link

The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution for interest and research.  http://www.loc.gov/

U.S. Library of Congress Catalogue Link

The US Library of Congress with a direct link to the catalogue system. http://catalog.loc.gov/

HIPPA Questions & Answers For Employers

As an employer, you may have concerns about HIPPA; here is a great link that may assist you.         http://www.hipaanswers.com/

National Association of Insurance Commissioners

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners can assist with insurance scams and fraud.  http://www.naic.org/

National Fire Protection Association website

Here are some important elements to protecting your property. Install smoke detectors, maintain the smoke detectors, install fire extinguishers, and have an escape plan in the event of a fire.   www.nfpa.org

Funeral Service Consumer Assistance Program NRIC

Know your rights and other info for this time of  responsibility. http://www.state.me.us/dhs/beas/resource/funeral.htm

Site last updated 03/20/2024