They offer co-location backup services, disaster office location, internet services, telephone services, and equipment that can be important to restore your business if a disaster should happen. They know well the importance of data security today for the survival of your enterprise or religious organization. web site: Backup and co-location services start at just $25 per month, the cost of a tap to backup your system, to provide you peace of mind. If you provide this yourself do that include virus checks, data verification, and a none forget element as it gets done and is not left by mistake at your office. For most the set up costs would be less then $500 a one time charge. If you figure the set up of your own equipment and the cost for someone to set it up it could very easily cost you more. Email
Disaster Recovery Services
Today's culture with its challenges from man made and natural disaster that has presented the magnitude we have witnessed in the last few years demands a prepared response for the survival of your organization. We have products, services, and programs that can meet these challenges of today.