Church Disaster Management,Specific Designed Recovery Road Maps
Remember the Titanic, the lack of a disaster plan cost the lives of over 1,500. A disaster plan for the "invincible" Titanic was thought unnecessary. "The Ministry Titanic Risk Syndrome", having insurance but lacking risk management can lead to a disaster. Today's culture is presenting a magnitude of challenges and disasters both man made and natural which are growing at an alarming rate. A prepared response readiness is essential for the survival of your organization and personal life. A quality disaster study can provide the necessary foundation for your disaster recovery plans. For ministry disaster recovery plans to be done effectively, it requires professional objectivity, benefits we offer for a recovery road map, which allows for the preservation and development of trust, without ministry compromise.
The Pastor and Church Leader Advisory Team
Are you wondering in the desert of today's litigious culture with issues that need assistance within your ministry from a qualified professional that would be appreciated as an oasis. An averted disaster or crises could provide a ministry continuity and developing growth instead of a ministry hampered with one or more poor compounding choices developed from an incorrect premise. Today's rapidly changing, demanding and litigious culture can be most unforgiving to yourself and your ministry. Click here www.cbwpc.org for a quality professional referral that can be matched with most any area of ministry, from growth and development, difficult and often explosive issues with staff, property issues, as well as many others you may be facing. We have known each personally for years, and know they will provide you the care, confidence and trust that you, our clients have come to appreciate and expect.
Developing Effective Disaster Management Is A Team Effort
You may wonder where do we start as we develop a plan for our church, church school, college, business, home, other enitity, or for myself? Risks and disasters are real in many unexpected ways and levels of intensity in today's rapidly changing culture. Be proactive and begin with results in mind, waiting to react could cause the development of your demise. We offer to study and develop your plans with you to increase their effectiveness. A very critical element that must be included in your plans today. The development of an effective communication plan is a well thought out and developed road map done by trained and effective persons who know what to say and not say. The critical is during and after the first 90 days of an event. This will lay the foundation for that which follows. The plan should include effective and timely communication with the news media when necessary, the community, and within the ministry itself. It is critical that all communication be properly timed and as accurate as possible for it to be effective. Persons given effective, timely, and accurate information will usually be an asset not a liability. Effective communication can provide a road map to preserve and develop trust, when it is violated without ministry compromise.
Communication Plans That Are Effective For Disaster Management
A very critical element that must be included in your plans today. The development of an effective communication plan is a well thought out and developed road map done by trained and effective persons who know what to say and not say. The critical is during and after the first 90 days of an event. This will lay the foundation for that which follows. The plan should include effective and timely communication with the news media when necessary, the community, and within the ministry itself. It is critical that all communication be properly timed and as accurate as possible for it to be effective. Persons given effective, timely, and accurate information will usually be an asset not a liability. Effective communication can build trust or rebuild it when violated. The lack of effective and properly timed communition can add fuel to the risk or disaster causing the development of added and larger issues.
A Disaster or Crises Has Happened What Can We Do Today?
The disaster or crises has happened before plans were put in place. What can we do to recover or lessen the magnetitude for our data loss or its integerity loss, property loss, bodily injury, moral issues, terrorism, hostage, and financial loss today? Contact us and we will refer one of your prefessionals that may be able to assist you. Toll free (877) 471-7997 email dphelps@phelpsfinancial.com
Loss of A Key Employee, Manager, Other Key Person in the Entity
This loss can develop into a major disaster when alternate plans are missing for the entity. Whether dealing with the loss of a key person by death, retirement, disability, or a desired joy change by either employor or employee the loss can present the same. Alternate plans should include the training of more then one person to do key operations as well as provision of funds to provide time and capital for the possible replacement or worker movement. We offer different insurance plans that can provide funds which should be in addition to emergancy saving plans
Digital & Paper Records, Cost Effective Disaster Recovery Plans
Digital and paper records today are able to be matched for preservations with very cost effective and efficient disaster recovery plans. First the entity must determine data that must be maintained over time, then what form it is required to be preserved in, before a plan is able to be determined that is both cost efficient and effective.
Property Loss from Fire
Property loss by fire can be the result of many risks working together. These risks could be the result of natural loss from lightening, and other stroms, maintenance neglect issues, arson, mechanical failure. Some issues you have more controle over then others. Here are some suggestions to review.
Property Loss and related issues
We had a fire that destroyed our property. Windstorm destruction of our property happened. Vandelism happened to our property. What can we do? What plans should we have in place for these and other property disaster issues.
Financial Issues and Answers
We are faced with a total financial disaster that could result is the loss of assets? A series of poor choices has developed a financial crises what can we do? Is it possible to develop a financial disaster plan, and what are its component elements for a successful recovery?
The Family in Crises, The Crises of Life
A family can be presented with crises that can totally destroy them, financially, morally, emotionally, physically, reputationally, and spiritually. How are your plans for dealing with the possible crises of your life or family?