To review a claim for your account please follow these directions.
1. Go to web site www.ohiobwc.com
2. Halfway down the left there is a place to setup and e-account
3. Click on it directions follow you will need your account number
4. When the e-account setup window opens enter with login info
5. Go to the Ohio employers tab click to enter
6. Look to the left side of the screen for
7. Employer services click on it
8. Look claims management click on it
9. Look for claim reports click on it
10.Look for claim report costs click on it
11.You are prompted for your policy number enter hit enter
12.You are prompted for a date or date range
13.Enter the first of the year the claim happened and then the present date
14.Hit enter and the claim should appear or claims for review with options
Call me if questions. Dorr Phelps (614) 899-6000 or email dphelps@phelpsfinancial.com
Last updated 09/12/08