Workshops Offered

We offer workshops for our clients and the industry on risk management, as well as the various insurance areas of property-casualty, liability, life, and health, plus financial planning and seniors' needs. To schedule a workshop, please email me at or contact my office; one of our efficient staff associates will assist you with this. These are offered with other specialized professionals assisting when possible or needed, which include attorneys, architects, CPA, financial brokers, financign companies, other financial planners, other insurance agents, other risk managers, and some from the medical professions or some other business professions.

Our workshops have been given for colleges, pastor's conferences, denominational conferences, church staff meetings, school staff meetings, and industry groups, church group planning meetings, and private church school association conferences.

Current workshops offered:

Ministry Stewardship Tools 

                        For church staff, Christian leaders to assist them in a better understanding of cultural aspects that are affecting their ministry today.

                        It offeres effective suggestions, information and deffinations of terms that are critical to understand. This workshop is designed to

                        assist a mininstry in developing proper risk management, disaster recovery plans, and insurance plans for their ministry.

Employee Benefits

                         Offers suggestions and training on how to effectively meet the cultural challenges for proper employee/employer matters

                          Includes forms, proceedures, and resource suggestions.  What minefields are there in waiting for our minsitry.

Sexual Minconduct

                         Offers suggestions and training on how to effectively meet the cultural challenges for your children's ministries

                          Can be done in person or media DVD, Group or individual.  Includes suggested proceedures and forms.

Effective Transportation Training and Policies

                        Offeres suggestions for prolicies, vehicle drivers training, and forms for use in a ministry.

Meeting The Needs of The Seniors in Your Ministry      

                        These workshops work to raise the understanding of church leaders as they seek to meet senior needs, as well as assisting care

                         givers and care receivers in today's culture. Resources suggestions are also given that have been found to be effective.